The Top Five Benefits of Good Branding

The Top Five Benefits of Good Branding

Good branding is more than the visual identity. It is the real story of your mission and it aligns all the facets of your organization. This article shares the top five reasons that having a good brand is beneficial. Tells Your Story Great branding tells your story in...

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Should Your Nonprofit Leverage TikTok?

Should Your Nonprofit Leverage TikTok?

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're most likely aware of the phenomenon that is TikTok. But is it just a platform for trendy dances and viral challenges, or can it be a powerful tool for nonprofits seeking to boost awareness and fundraising efforts? Let's...

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From Mundane to Memorable: Capturing Nonprofit Events

From Mundane to Memorable: Capturing Nonprofit Events

Are you tired of clicking through the same carousel of images after every fundraising event - the smiling group photo in front of the media backdrop, the shot of the dinner table settings, or the packed room shot? Me too. It's time to step out of the routine and think...

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Cold Numbers to Warm Hearts: Making Data Feel Human

Cold Numbers to Warm Hearts: Making Data Feel Human

We all know that numbers are crucial in the world of nonprofits. They provide us with goals, they track our progress, and they illustrate the impacts we're making. But let's be real here — numbers can feel a bit, well... impersonal. When we're dealing with subjects as...

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Proactive vs Reactive: A Balancing Act for Nonprofits

Proactive vs Reactive: A Balancing Act for Nonprofits

There's a well-known saying in the business world: "Failing to plan is planning to fail." This wisdom rings particularly true in the nonprofit sector. Two types of planning often dominate the conversation - proactive and reactive. But what exactly do these terms mean,...

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12 Essential Leadership Skills for Nonprofit Executives

12 Essential Leadership Skills for Nonprofit Executives

Before we dive into the essential leadership skills for success in the nonprofit sector, let's take a moment to acknowledge the importance of self-awareness. Recognizing our strengths and areas for growth is vital to becoming effective leaders. However, it's important...

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Why Video is Essential to Nonprofit Marketing & Fundraising

Why Video is Essential to Nonprofit Marketing & Fundraising

People support nonprofits (through donations and volunteerism) because they have an emotional connection to the cause or organization. As you market your organization (I know, “yuck.” But it’s a necessary evil.), you’ll get better results by leaning into the emotional...

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