Embracing the Pillars of Meaning in Nonprofit Work

Embracing the Pillars of Meaning in Nonprofit Work

I was recently reminded of a topic that resonates deeply with our work in nonprofits, inspired by Emily Esfahani Smith’s enlightening TED talk from April 2017 titled, “There’s more to life than being happy.” Smith’s exploration of the...
Making Stories Stick in the Age of Digital Amnesia

Making Stories Stick in the Age of Digital Amnesia

It goes without saying (and yet here I am saying it) that we are inundated with content every day. We watch, read, and listen to dozens and dozens of stories through various mediums. So much so, that we literally forget most of what we take in. Our brains simply...
Cold Numbers to Warm Hearts: Making Data Feel Human

Cold Numbers to Warm Hearts: Making Data Feel Human

We all know that numbers are crucial in the world of nonprofits. They provide us with goals, they track our progress, and they illustrate the impacts we’re making. But let’s be real here — numbers can feel a bit, well… impersonal. When we’re...