The Top Five Benefits of Good Branding

The Top Five Benefits of Good Branding

Good branding is more than the visual identity. It is the real story of your mission and it aligns all the facets of your organization. This article shares the top five reasons that having a good brand is beneficial. Tells Your Story Great branding tells your story in...
Why Video is Essential to Nonprofit Marketing & Fundraising

Why Video is Essential to Nonprofit Marketing & Fundraising

People support nonprofits (through donations and volunteerism) because they have an emotional connection to the cause or organization. As you market your organization (I know, “yuck.” But it’s a necessary evil.), you’ll get better results by leaning into the emotional...
Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding Checklist

The main goal of your onboarding process is to set up your new staff member to succeed. This means helping them quickly learn the basics of their job, understand workplace culture and begin building relationships across the organization. Here’s a checklist of topics...
Know Your Channel!

Know Your Channel!

The Golden Rule of social media marketing: use the channel how your audience wants to use the channel. Not how you want them to use it. Here’s the thing… they’re on social media TO BE SOCIAL!  They want to interact with friends/family – to pursue hobbies and interests...
Good Nonprofit Videos

Good Nonprofit Videos

There’s a lot that goes into making effective marketing and fundraising videos. The temptation is to talk about your mission and services. Which is all fine and good, but what’s your point? What, specifically, are you trying to accomplish? And who, exactly, are you...