So, Your Nonprofit Is Being Audited. Don’t Panic!

So, Your Nonprofit Is Being Audited. Don’t Panic!

It’s easy to view the word ‘audit’ as a four-letter word, especially in the nonprofit world. But it’s really not as scary as it seems. Let’s discuss what an audit is, why they happen, and the steps you need to take to navigate one smoothly. First things...
Cold Numbers to Warm Hearts: Making Data Feel Human

Cold Numbers to Warm Hearts: Making Data Feel Human

We all know that numbers are crucial in the world of nonprofits. They provide us with goals, they track our progress, and they illustrate the impacts we’re making. But let’s be real here — numbers can feel a bit, well… impersonal. When we’re...
Proactive vs Reactive: A Balancing Act for Nonprofits

Proactive vs Reactive: A Balancing Act for Nonprofits

There’s a well-known saying in the business world: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This wisdom rings particularly true in the nonprofit sector. Two types of planning often dominate the conversation – proactive and reactive. But what...