Too many passwords to remember? 1Password is all you need
You’ve been given access to another application at the office, opened a new savings account, an additional email for work, joined an online retailer’s homepage….and yes, you guessed it, they all require you to remember some kind of a password. We have all been faced with “choosing a password,” something meaningful or funny, keeping optimal security in mind and ease for everyday use. Although it is tempting to reuse the same password for everything, remember if hacked or stolen, someone could have the potential to access all of your account information. You may have found yourself keeping your passwords listed on an Excel or Google Spreadsheet, or even grabbing a sticky note to jot them down.
There are definitely better solutions designed specifically to handle this type of job. With 1Password, all you ever need to remember is one password. All of your other passwords, private documents and information are protected, securely stored and available at a moment’s notice in an online vault. This ideally keeps all of your information out of the hands of hackers, identity thieves and cybercriminals. The application easily records usernames and passwords as you sign into the various apps, systems and websites. Your privacy is key, and all of your data stored with 1Password is encrypted. You and only you “hold the keys” to decrypt it. To ensure the safety and security of your information, all things are private – 1Password cannot see, use, share or sell your data.
Additional features are built into the 1Password application such as alert notifications when a security problem is detected with any of the websites that you have saved in your account. It can also assist in creating strong, unique passwords and identify when any of your passwords have been compromised due to a security breach.
1Password is available to download on all of your devices and may be used with multiple browsers and operating systems.
You may contact their business team to set up a demo today and try the 1Password experience for free! Or look for the right 1Password plan for your team and organization (be sure to ask for their nonprofit discount!): https://1password.com/teams/pricing/
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