Filament Donates to ESU 2 Homeless Kits

Filament Donates to ESU 2 Homeless Kits

Earlier this year, Filament Essential Services recognized the work of Educational Service Unit 2 in Fremont, NE to address student homelessness in its school districts. As Filament itself regularly participates in community events and charitable activities, it...
Filament Fills Up Local Little Pantries

Filament Fills Up Local Little Pantries

No matter the season, food security is a concern for millions of families in America. Lincoln is no different, as many local families rely on assistance programs to meet their nutritional needs. Generous Lincolnites regularly step up and pitch in in various ways, but...
Know Your Channel!

Know Your Channel!

The Golden Rule of social media marketing: use the channel how your audience wants to use the channel. Not how you want them to use it. Here’s the thing… they’re on social media TO BE SOCIAL!  They want to interact with friends/family – to pursue hobbies and interests...
Good Nonprofit Videos

Good Nonprofit Videos

There’s a lot that goes into making effective marketing and fundraising videos. The temptation is to talk about your mission and services. Which is all fine and good, but what’s your point? What, specifically, are you trying to accomplish? And who, exactly, are you...
Top Secrets for Getting Results with Video

Top Secrets for Getting Results with Video

You’ve produced a killer video with a concrete objective and directed at your target audience that connects on an emotional level. Now what? Get. It. Seen. Your videos are like a flyer. You can have the best one in the world, but you have to get it in front of your...